Watchlist Round Up (Round 2)
I've been watching some really good shows/movies recently so I'm doing another recap! :)
Taken At Birth (Hulu)
I heard about this show while listening to a Podcast and was immediately intrigued. Taken At Birth tells the heartbreaking story of Doctor Thomas Hicks. Dr. Hicks ran a fertility clinical or office during the 1950s & 1960s and he illegally sold more than 200 babies. This was discovered after one of the illegally sold babies discovered a discrepancy on her birth certificate.
Our Father (Netflix)
Similarly to Taken At Birth, this documentary addresses as fertility doctor; however, this is a separate story and covers the story of a fertility doctor, Dr Donald Cline, who ran a fertility clinic and would advise patient's they were receiving the sperm of their chosen donor; however, he would inseminate them with his own sperm. This was discovered when a women took an at home DNA test and discovered she has many half siblings and found this alarming after being advised the donor can only be used three times.
Candy (Hulu)
This series tells the true crime story of Candace Montgomery AKA "Candy". Candy is accused of murdering one of her friends, Betty Gore. This series is done very well. To give some background, Candy essentially calculates an affair with Betty's husband. When Betty and her husband attempt to rekindle their relationship after martial issues, he breaks off the affair with Candy and it appears that this is essentially what sets off Candy and ultimately she completed the murder.
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