Top Travel Essentials

I love traveling and just returned from an amazing vacation. I know packing travel can be so stressful and I've actually changed a lot about how I pack and travel based on suggestions I've been given. Today I'll list and show you guys some of what I always make sure to take and my top 5 favorite or "must have" travel essentials! 

To start, I always carry my everyday medications that I take and my epi-pen. I do this JUST IN CASE something were to happen with our checked bags. In addition to these medications, I always bring hand sanitizer, anti bacterial wipes, Dramamine or motion sickness medicine, and some type of pain relief. Typically I will also have the vitamin c drink mixes, gum and some miscellaneous vitamins and additional medications.

These bags are super helpful to keep everything together and ensure everything is easily accessible. I use them in both my carry on and my checked bag! 

A few more essentials are my air Pods and my iPad (used to be my laptop but the iPad is much easier to travel with!) 
I also always carry a water bottle since most airports have the refillable stations so you don't have to pay $10 for water in the airport, haha!

I usually will carry a blanket with me as well because I get cold easily and I tend to think the planes are colder than necessary, haha. In addition, we typically will carry a neck pillow but I don't usually use these. 

Travel Essentials 

Hand sanitizer 
Wallet or travel wallet 
A hair clip / hair ties 
Extra chargers
Water bottle


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