Work From Home Tips

I was like most people, working Monday through Friday in office, commuting 20+ minutes to work and home from work. Only about two short months into my current position, I adjusted my schedule and started working four 10 hour days, cutting back my drive time since I'd only be driving that commute four days a week. Then, just about six months later... COVID. Again, like many people, I was sent to work from home during this time and after almost two years, and most of the staff within my department is still at home, including me. It can be very convenient, but also very distracting to work from home. 

Some of my biggest tips are as follows:

1. Follow A Morning Routine

This is probably one of the most important tips. I've fallen in and out of routines while WFH, and have noticed that I am more productive and feel better when I'm following a routine. This routine could be as simple as waking up 15 minutes prior to logging into your work shift and relaxing, or this could be more time consuming and involve a morning workout, breakfast, etc. It's all personalized to what you feel like your body responds best to. 

2. Keep An Organized Work Environment

This tip may not apply to everyone; however, personally, I cannot concentrate if my environment and surroundings are not organized and clean. I constantly will feel the need and obligation to get up and clean prior to being concerned about finishing work tasks. I now maintain a clean and organized environment and this allows me the opportunity to put my entirety into my work. 

3. Take your breaks when needed and consistently 

This may depend on your job and if you have the flexibility to choose your break times. I'm aware that not everyone can do so, and some people are provided an hour by hour schedule; however, if you take your breaks on your time, do so in a consistent timeframe and ensure you are taking your allowed breaks everyday. My job allows 2 15 minute breaks, and a lunch break. Typically, my morning and afternoon break depend on my boyfriends breaks and I'll take them when he does. For my lunch, I clock out around 1 pm pretty consistently. Doing so helps me stay on track for not only the day, but also with my meals and eating consistent enough to prevent unnecessary snacking. 

4. Limit distractions

Again, this is customizable to what your preference may be. I think of a distraction as something such as the tv, music, other forms of entertainment. Or, this could even be others living in the same vicinity as you. I will listen to my podcasts for the day and more often than not nowadays, I don't have much else going on. I might light a candle, but I do not leave the TV on or play background music. This is to ensure I'm focusing entirely on my work. I may turn on a show to play re-runs through my phone for background noise, but this is becoming less and less common and does not require my full attention because the shows I choose are ones I've seen countless times before (Friends, One Tree Hill, How I Met Your Mother, etc).

5. Step outside 

This is absolutely essential for me, especially since not only can being inside and at home all day be draining but it can also create some depressing feelings. I like to take walks, whether this is before work, on break during work, or after work. This has actually become something that really helps my mental state throughout the day, especially if it is a nice and sunny day. Though I prefer and enjoy walks, this doesn't have to be what you choose.. by "step outside", I mean just that.. get outside in some way. It could be sitting on the porch, or a walk, or even getting the mail. 

6. Get dressed 

This is something I don't follow daily; however, I can confirm that I do work better when I have myself together. Staying home is comfortable and cozy, and it's very tempting to sit in pajamas or sweatpants all day, but if you switch your mindset from that to something as simple as a graphic t-shirt and leggings, you will feel much more accomplished and ready for the day! 

If you have any additional tips that may have changed your entire WFH environment and ethic, let us know in the comments! 


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